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Non funziona correttamente? Vai su “Impostazioni” -> “Safari”/ “Chrome” -> “Posizione” -> Imposta su “Chiedi” oppure “Consenti” Il calcolo avviene tramite triangolazione di tre dati: centro del satellite (luna), osservatorio McDonald in Texas, posizione user dell’app. L’osservatorio McDonald fornisce in tempo reale una distanza aggiornata dalla luna. Il numero è il risultato del calcolo sopra citato avendo come coordinate quelle dell’osservatorio in Texas. L’app ioxyz0 attinge al calcolo di tale distanza sostituendo le coordinate dell’osservatorio con quelle in tempo reale dell’user seguendone gli spostamenti. L’user diventa quindi in questo schema un’estensione mobile dell’osservatorio. *il database di calcoli dell’osservatorio è opensource.
Lo stesso osservatorio McDonald si avvale a sua volta dell’algoritmo sviluppato da Vladimir Agafonkin e Robin Schneider.
Tale algoritmo si basa sul calcolo di Dr. Louis Strous.
[…] I calculated the position of the Moon (λ, β, ) for every day between 1950 and 2050 according to the above method and also according to a much more accurate method (of which the above method includes only the very largest terms). The largest error in λ was 2.57 degrees (standard deviation 1.04 degrees), that in β 0.81 degrees (standard deviation 0.31 degrees), and that in 7645 km (standard deviation 3388 km).
Dr. Louis Strous
Utrecht University
Dr. Louis Strous received a MSc-equivalent degree (in physics and astronomy) from Utrecht University in 1989, and a PhD (based on research of active regions on the Sun) from the same university in 1994. From 1995 until the end of 2000, Dr Strous worked as a professional astronomer in the United States (for the New Jersey Institute of Technology, for the National Solar Observatory, and for the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory), but then he returned to the Netherlands, where he now works as a software developer